Our Story
Bubble Tea & Snacks
Once upon a time, my wife worked for a bubble tea house. She'd hoped that one day she too own her own tea house. After many years of - blood and sweat - and hardcore saving, and help from family and friends, and our baristas, and loyal customers, and some other people, we finally own our tea house. YAY!
Why we choose golden pig as our logo? It is our beloved daughter Zodiac sign. Yep, always lucky and always happy.
It is my wife's passion to make drinks and snacks ( and also beauty stuffs). And my passion is to create jobs for younger generations. We hope we can train young people additional skills for their later in lives such as basic cooking, making drinks (boba drinks), opening their own businesses, and importantly how to treat others with dignity and respect (the way we are treating them).
We hope we can lead by example, and sincerely hope they work here to earn their living while working hard to finish their college and/or graduate school. (MORE POWER TO YOUNGER GENERATIONS!)

Hello Tea
1051 E Capitol Expy
San Jose CA 95121
Email: helloteasj@gmail.com
Store phone: (408) 440-8044
Hello Tea
Contact Us
Applying for job, compliment, complain, making orders, etc... HERE!